Sonae Capital, SGPS, S.A.

Lugar do Espido, Via Norte Apartado 3053 4471-907 Maia Portugal

T (+351) 22 012 95 00 F (+351) 22 010 79 35


Publicly Traded Company Registered Office: Lugar do Espido, Via Norte, Maia Share Capital: 250,000,000.00 Euro Registered at the Commercial Registry of Maia Registration and Tax Nº 508 276 756

(Translation from the Portuguese original)

ANNOUNCEMENT OF MATERIAL INFORMATION Sonae Capital, SGPS, S.A. (Sonae Capital) hereby announces that, following the nonConcorrência) and the compliance with the other agreed conditions, the acquisition, by CapWatt, SGPS, S.A., of 100% of the share capital and voting rights of the company Ventos da Serra – Produção de Energia, S.A., that owns and operates a photovoltaic plant with installed capacity of 10MW, located at Ferreira do Alentejo, for a global price of 29.1 million Euro, has become effective. As a result, Sonae Capital, SGPS, S.A., through its subsidiary CapWatt, SGPS, S.A., increased the portfolio of cogeneration and renewable energy plants (solar and wind), owning and operating 12 cogeneration plants (of which, 1 of Biofuel), 10 photovoltaic plants and 1 wind farm, all located in Portugal. The total installed capacity held or operated by CapWatt, SGPS, S.A.’s controlled companies is 73MW.

Maia, 5th June 2017 The Representative for Capital Market Relations,

Sociedade aberta - Capital Social 250.000.000 euros – CRC Maia (matrícula n.º 508 276 756) – Pessoa Colectiva n.º 508 276 756 - Sede Social Lugar do Espido, Via Norte, 4470-177 Maia

opposition decision of the Portuguese Competition Authority (Autoridade da