Monitoring EU Agri-Food Trade: Development until September 2017

September 2017: Agri-food trade balance with increasing surplus The value of EU agri-food exports in September 2017 kept its very high level, now at EUR 11.7 billion. With agri-food imports to the EU going down to a monthly value of EUR 8.8 billion, the trade balance further improved to a surplus of EUR 2.8 billion in September 2017. Highest increases in monthly export values (Sept 2017 compared to Sept 2016, EUR million) were recorded for the China (+146), Turkey (+45), Nigeria (+42) and Russia (+40). Monthly exports fell to the United Arab Emirates (-73), Vietnam (-65), Egypt (-44) and India (-41).

Extraction date for statistics: 13/11/2017

By sector, the highest export growth (EUR million) was achieved in raw hides, skins and furskins (+70), milk powders (+68) and cereals other than wheat and rice (+61). Vegetables exports dropped (EUR -54 million); so did exports of sugar (-49) and wheat (-42). The value of Sept 2017 agri-food imports compared to Sept 2016 increased most for EU imports from Ukraine and India, and to a lesser extent, Indonesia. The value of imports from the USA, Brazil, Ivory Coast and Ghana went down most. Major increases were seen in fatty acids and waxed, cereals (wheat and others) and vegetable oils. Imports of soya beans, cocoa beans and sugar are the ones decreasing most in value terms.

USA, Russia and Asian market top increases in EU agri-food exports

EU agri-food imports increasing, but at a slower pace than exports

For the 12-months period September 2016 to September 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of EUR 136.5 billion, corresponding to a sustained increase by almost 5 % in value terms compared to the same period one year ago.

Agri-food imports from third countries in the 12months period September 2016 to September 2017 accounted for over EUR 117 billion, i.e. an increase by 4 % compared to the same period one year ago. Nevertheless, driven by the stronger export performance, the export surplus for the 12-months period further consolidated to EUR 19.4 billion (+11 %).

Major gains in annual values have been achieved in agri-food exports to the USA (EUR +1.3 billion; +6%), Russia (EUR +0.8 billion; +15%) and several Asian markets: China (EUR +0.7 billion; +6%), Japan (EUR +0.7 billion; +12%) and Korea (EUR +0.6 billion; +26%). Further annual increases were recorded in agrifood exports to Switzerland (EUR +0.3 billion; +4 %) while increases of more than EUR 0.2 billion also took place in exports to the Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia and Ukraine in the last twelve-month period. Annual export values remain down for North African and Middle East destinations, in particular Saudi Arabia (EUR -0.6 billion; -12%), Egypt (EUR -0.4 billion; -22 %), Morocco (EUR -0.2 billion; -12 %) and Algeria (EUR -0.2 billion; -8 %). Agri-food exports to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Tunisia as well as to Vietnam also went down over the last twelvemonth period. Wine (EUR +1.1 billion; +11 %) and milk powders (EUR +822 million; +23%)and infant food (EUR +802 million; +12 %) exports have been performing very well over the last twelve months. Export performance on a yearly basis also increased significantly by about EUR 500 million for pet food as well as for spirits and liqueurs. On the other hand, wheat and other cereals exports experienced the biggest drop in value terms on an annual basis (respectively EUR 1.8 billion; -30 % and EUR -0.5 billion; -22 %,). Only three other categories recorded notable losses (around EUR 0.1 billion) in export values over the last 12 months: fresh, chilled and dried vegetables; oilseeds other than soya beans; and malt.

Main origins for EU agri-food imports over the past 12 months remained Brazil (EUR 11.5 billion), the USA (EUR 11.2 billion), Argentina (EUR 5.7 billion) and China (EUR 5.3 billion), followed by Ukraine, Indonesia, Switzerland and Turkey, each accounting for between EUR 5.2 billion and EUR 4.5 billion. On the year-on-year basis, the value of agri-food imports from the top three import origins went down. Imports from Brazil (EUR -859 million or -7 %) decreased most, while Argentina and the United States (-2 %) limited the losses to about EUR -250 million. Some other key partners also experienced reductions both in absolute and relative terms, most notably Turkey (EUR -233 million; -5 %), Uruguay and Ghana. On the contrary, imports from Indonesia increased most significantly (EUR +1.1 billion; +27%). Over the 12 months period, EU import values for agri-food products also went up for Ukraine Australia India, Vietnam Colombia, Morocco, and China. Looking at product category, the highest increases in import values over the last twelve months were recorded for palm oil (EUR +1.2 billion; +22%), unroasted coffee and tea (EUR +864 million; +12 %), fatty acids (EUR +734 million; +47 %) and oilseeds other than soybean (EUR +666 million; +20 %). On the other hand, import values decreased in particular for soya beans (EUR -361 million; -7 %), wheat (EUR -240 million; -17 %), and cocoa beans(EUR -238 million;-5%). This monthly newsletter has included a new table in the annex, presenting the trade balance and its development by product category. The largest gains in net exports were achieved in wine, while the net exports reduced most for wheat and net imports increased most for palm oil over the last 12 months.

Table 1: EU28 agri-food exports – top 20 destinations EU28 agri-food exports to …. PARTNER/PERIOD (million Euro) source: COMEXT Extra-EU28 United States of America China Switzerland Russia Japan Norway Saudi Arabia Hong Kong Canada Turkey Australia United Arab Emirates Korea (Republic of) Algeria Singapore South Africa Israel Ukraine Brazil Morocco other countries

cumulative data: 12 month period

Rank 2016/17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

monthly data



Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16



mio € 130 105 20 510 11 090 7 805 5 535 5 592 4 282 4 755 3 715 3 443 3 273 2 934 3 133 2 414 2 722 1 990 1 648 1 661 1 491 1 504 1 677 38 929

mio € 136 507 21 825 11 781 8 134 6 339 6 280 4 387 4 203 3 983 3 499 3 471 3 184 3 073 3 045 2 513 2 146 1 829 1 813 1 710 1 623 1 468 40 203

mio € 6 402 1 315 692 329 803 688 104 -552 267 56 197 250 -59 631 -209 156 181 151 218 119 -209 1 274

mio € 11 488 1 971 907 650 490 566 382 343 374 348 227 291 302 225 197 182 164 141 116 153 102 3 355

mio € 11 682 1 957 1 053 659 530 586 385 334 398 344 271 311 229 197 167 187 171 140 142 151 97 3 372

% 4,9 6,4 6,2 4,2 14,5 12,3 2,4 -11,6 7,2 1,6 6,0 8,5 -1,9 26,1 -7,7 7,8 11,0 9,1 14,6 7,9 -12,5 3,3

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16 mio € 194 -14 146 9 40 20 4 -10 24 -4 45 20 -73 -28 -29 5 7 -1 26 -2 -5 16

% 1,7 -0,7 16,1 1,4 8,2 3,6 0,9 -2,9 6,4 -1,1 19,7 6,8 -24,2 -12,6 -15,0 2,5 4,2 -0,4 22,4 -1,3 -5,3 0,5

Table 2: EU28 agri-food exports – most important changes in September 2017 EU28 agri-food exports to …. PARTNER/PERIOD (million Euro) source: COMEXT

cumulative data: 12 month period Rank 2016/17

Extra-EU28 China Turkey Nigeria Russia Philippines Ukraine Hong Kong Serbia Japan Australia Pakistan Angola Jordan Tunisia Korea (Republic of) Algeria India Egypt Vietnam United Arab Emirates other countries

2 10 31 4 25 18 8 30 5 11 55 35 38 42 13 14 34 23 24 12

monthly data



Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16



mio € 130 105 11 090 3 273 871 5 535 986 1 491 3 715 935 5 592 2 934 319 655 812 593 2 414 2 722 856 1 857 1 345 3 133 78 977

mio € 136 507 11 781 3 471 983 6 339 1 252 1 710 3 983 1 023 6 280 3 184 345 824 764 576 3 045 2 513 860 1 451 1 295 3 073 81 756

mio € 6 402 692 197 113 803 267 218 267 88 688 250 26 169 -48 -17 631 -209 4 -406 -50 -59 2 778

mio € 11 488 907 227 61 490 86 116 374 73 566 291 49 78 71 53 225 197 112 121 158 302 6 931

mio € 11 682 1 053 271 103 530 120 142 398 96 586 311 29 58 50 26 197 167 71 77 93 229 7 074

% 4,9 6,2 6,0 13,0 14,5 27,1 14,6 7,2 9,4 12,3 8,5 8,2 25,8 -5,9 -2,9 26,1 -7,7 0,4 -21,9 -3,7 -1,9 3,5

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16 mio € 194 146 45 42 40 34 26 24 23 20 20 -20 -20 -21 -27 -28 -29 -41 -44 -65 -73 142

% 1,7 16,1 19,7 69,0 8,2 39,5 22,4 6,4 31,7 3,6 6,8 -40,1 -25,1 -29,8 -51,0 -12,6 -15,0 -36,5 -36,2 -41,0 -24,2 2,1

Table 3: EU28 agri-food exports by product category EU 28 EXPORT


All agri-food products Commodities Other primary Processed Food preparations Beverages Non-edible Wheat Cereals, other than wheat and rice Rice Flours and other products of the milling industry Malt Starches, inulin & gluten Soyabeans Oilseeds, other than soyabeans Palm & palm kernel oil Vegetable oils other than palm & olive oil Oilcakes Other feed and feed ingredients Beet and cane sugar Sugar, other than beet & cane Milk powders and whey Butter Gums, resins and plant extracts Unroasted coffee, tea in bulk & mate Cocoa beans Cocoa paste and powder Agricultural commodities, not specified Live animals Bovine meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Pork meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Poultry meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Sheep and goat meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Offal, animal fat & other meats, fresh, chilled & frozen Fresh milk and cream, buttermilk and yoghurt Eggs and honey Vegetables, fresh, chilled and dried Fruit, fresh or dried, excl. citrus & tropical fruit Citrus fruit Tropical fruit, fresh or dried, nuts and spices Miscellaneous seeds and hop cones Agricultural primary products, not specified Meat preparations Cheese Olive oil Preparations of vegetables, fruit or nuts Fruit juices Wine, vermouth, cider and vinegar Roasted coffee and tea Chocolate, confectionery and ice cream Infant food & other prep of cereals, flour, starch or milk Pasta, pastry, biscuits and bread Soups and sauces Coffee and tea extracts Food preparations, not specified Pet food Waters and soft drinks Beer Spirits and liqueurs Odoriferous substances Raw hides, skins and furskins Non edible animal products Wool and silk Cotton, flax and hemp, and plaiting materials Cut flowers and plants Bulbs, roots and live plants Raw tobacco Cigars and cigarettes Fatty acids and waxes Sugar alcohols Essential oils Ethanol Casein, other albuminoidal sub. & mod. starches Non-edible, not specified Products non-attributable


130 105 24 172 22 924 23 993 27 307 17 256 14 453 5 888 2 105 200 783 1 081 904 56 812 135 2 216 281 1 112 621 527 3 572 855 1 144 510 21 1 295 54 2 542 682 5 015 1 455 82 2 755 1 099 714 3 213 2 411 502 981 1 473 0 1 227 3 577 2 600 4 256 776 10 500 1 056 5 179 6 454 4 648 1 181 777 5 535 3 533 3 435 3 392 10 175 254 1 755 416 154 800 679 1 610 966 3 326 517 118 602 145 1 913 1 294 158

Oct16Sep17 mio € 136 507 23 265 24 021 26 243 29 635 18 079 15 264 4 128 1 646 221 801 994 1 050 88 714 186 2 428 288 1 099 669 516 4 394 890 1 204 521 13 1 349 64 2 834 811 5 186 1 480 130 3 016 1 214 660 3 094 2 417 507 1 044 1 627 1 1 301 3 939 2 777 4 570 875 11 619 1 162 5 392 7 256 4 940 1 274 790 5 927 4 056 3 651 3 490 10 687 251 1 874 477 134 823 718 1 734 962 3 511 671 130 702 169 1 978 1 219 159

Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16


% 6 402 -907 1 097 2 250 2 328 824 811 -1 760 -458 21 18 -86 146 32 -98 52 213 7 -13 48 -11 822 36 60 11 -8 53 10 292 128 171 25 48 260 116 -54 -119 6 5 63 154 1 74 362 176 314 99 1 119 106 213 802 292 93 13 392 523 216 99 512 -3 119 61 -20 23 40 124 -3 185 155 11 101 24 65 -75 1

4,9 -3,8 4,8 9,4 8,5 4,8 5,6 -29,9 -21,8 10,5 2,3 -8,0 16,1 57,5 -12,1 38,5 9,6 2,4 -1,2 7,7 -2,1 23,0 4,2 5,2 2,2 -38,4 4,1 18,3 11,5 18,8 3,4 1,7 58,9 9,5 10,5 -7,5 -3,7 0,2 0,9 6,5 10,5 6,0 10,1 6,8 7,4 12,8 10,7 10,0 4,1 12,4 6,3 7,8 1,6 7,1 14,8 6,3 2,9 5,0 -1,2 6,8 14,6 -13,0 2,9 5,8 7,7 -0,3 5,6 29,9 9,5 16,7 16,7 3,4 -5,8 0,5

11 488 1 842 1 928 2 275 2 558 1 633 1 251 391 76 13 73 80 85 2 47 16 205 26 108 100 49 265 65 95 44 2 95 5 218 59 416 130 7 280 91 53 274 201 14 90 95 0 109 333 250 396 71 1 025 92 565 556 486 99 68 465 318 296 289 1 027 22 150 36 13 30 47 164 80 313 39 10 56 11 178 113 12

Sep-17 mio € 11 682 1 804 1 899 2 299 2 697 1 679 1 305 349 137 14 64 82 94 9 29 17 170 18 83 51 44 333 69 86 47 1 103 5 249 69 387 143 12 276 107 57 221 182 13 82 103 117 337 253 382 70 1 040 101 556 599 498 104 64 508 369 313 284 1 060 21 220 37 11 25 50 173 78 300 46 11 69 14 157 99 14

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16 % 194 -38 -29 23 138 45 54 -42 61 1 -10 2 9 7 -18 1 -35 -8 -24 -49 -5 68 4 -10 3 -1 8 1 31 10 -29 12 5 -5 17 4 -54 -20 -1 -8 8 0 7 4 3 -13 -1 15 9 -9 43 11 5 -4 43 50 17 -5 34 0 70 2 -2 -5 3 9 -2 -13 8 1 13 3 -21 -14 2

1,7 -2,1 -1,5 1,0 5,4 2,8 4,3 -10,8 79,7 4,6 -13,4 3,0 10,1 409,1 -38,3 6,0 -17,1 -30,6 -22,6 -48,9 -10,4 25,7 6,9 -10,3 7,1 -65,7 8,6 11,5 14,2 16,4 -6,9 9,4 66,8 -1,6 18,5 8,2 -19,6 -9,7 -6,9 -9,1 8,7 6,7 1,2 1,3 -3,4 -1,5 1,4 9,3 -1,7 7,7 2,3 4,7 -6,4 9,3 15,9 5,7 -1,7 3,3 -2,2 46,3 5,3 -13,9 -16,8 6,3 5,7 -2,1 -4,1 20,0 11,8 23,0 26,8 -11,8 -12,5 14,0

Table 4: EU28 agri-food imports – top 20 origins EU28 agri-food imports from …. PARTNER/PERIOD (million Euro) source: COMEXT

cumulative data: 12 month period Rank 2016/17

Extra-EU28 Brazil United States of America Argentina China Ukraine Indonesia Switzerland Turkey Ivory Coast India Vietnam South Africa Australia Colombia Chile New Zealand Thailand Canada Peru Morocco other countries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

monthly data



Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16



mio € 112 709 12 333 11 478 5 970 5 126 4 368 4 063 4 664 4 745 3 614 2 821 2 321 2 507 2 065 2 112 2 365 2 401 2 427 2 265 2 083 1 921 31 061

mio € 117 153 11 474 11 229 5 732 5 330 5 190 5 175 4 677 4 511 3 652 3 219 2 659 2 594 2 499 2 391 2 342 2 331 2 321 2 265 2 241 2 181 33 139

mio € 4 445 -859 -250 -237 204 822 1 112 13 -233 39 398 339 87 434 280 -23 -70 -106 0 157 260 2 078

mio € 9 127 1 017 997 497 429 264 367 408 345 320 220 221 249 115 187 178 174 180 136 199 45 2 580

mio € 8 846 844 788 464 451 386 416 407 340 267 293 216 271 123 211 175 194 167 128 169 55 2 479

% 3,9 -7,0 -2,2 -4,0 4,0 18,8 27,4 0,3 -4,9 1,1 14,1 14,6 3,5 21,0 13,3 -1,0 -2,9 -4,4 0,0 7,6 13,5 6,7

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16 mio € -281 -173 -210 -33 22 122 49 0 -5 -53 73 -5 22 8 24 -3 21 -13 -7 -30 10 -100

% -3,1 -17,0 -21,0 -6,6 5,2 46,3 13,4 -0,1 -1,5 -16,6 33,4 -2,5 8,8 7,0 12,9 -1,7 12,1 -7,2 -5,5 -15,0 22,1 -3,9

Table 5: EU28 agri-food imports – most important changes in September 2017

EU28 agri-food imports from …. PARTNER/PERIOD (million Euro) source: COMEXT

cumulative data: 12 month period Rank 2016/17

Extra-EU28 Ukraine India Indonesia Colombia China South Africa New Zealand Panama Kazakhstan Papua New Guinea Thailand Cameroon Uruguay Malaysia Peru Argentina Ghana Ivory Coast Brazil United States of America other countries

5 10 6 14 4 12 16 54 63 37 17 34 38 21 19 3 24 9 1 2

monthly data



Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16



mio € 112 709 4 368 2 821 4 063 2 112 5 126 2 507 2 401 169 137 484 2 427 687 802 2 030 2 083 5 970 1 604 3 614 12 333 11 478 45 492

mio € 117 153 5 190 3 219 5 175 2 391 5 330 2 594 2 331 247 183 622 2 321 766 610 2 130 2 241 5 732 1 434 3 652 11 474 11 229 48 283

mio € 4 445 822 398 1 112 280 204 87 -70 77 46 137 -106 79 -192 100 157 -237 -170 39 -859 -250 2 792

mio € 9 127 264 220 367 187 429 249 174 14 5 36 180 72 66 199 199 497 158 320 1 017 997 3 477

mio € 8 846 386 293 416 211 451 271 194 27 16 47 167 53 42 172 169 464 111 267 844 788 3 455

% 3,9 18,8 14,1 27,4 13,3 4,0 3,5 -2,9 45,8 33,4 28,3 -4,4 11,5 -24,0 4,9 7,6 -4,0 -10,6 1,1 -7,0 -2,2 6,1

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16 mio € -281 122 73 49 24 22 22 21 13 11 11 -13 -19 -24 -26 -30 -33 -47 -53 -173 -210 -23

% -3,1 46,3 33,4 13,4 12,9 5,2 8,8 12,1 97,3 213,1 30,2 -7,2 -26,1 -36,7 -13,3 -15,0 -6,6 -29,7 -16,6 -17,0 -21,0 -0,7

Table 6: EU28 agri-food imports by product category EU 28 IMPORT


All agri-food products Commodities Other primary Processed Food preparations Beverages Non-edible Wheat Cereals, other than wheat and rice Rice Flours and other products of the milling industry Malt Starches, inulin & gluten Soyabeans Oilseeds, other than soyabeans Palm & palm kernel oil Vegetable oils other than palm & olive oil Oilcakes Other feed and feed ingredients Beet and cane sugar Sugar, other than beet & cane Milk powders and whey Butter Gums, resins and plant extracts Unroasted coffee, tea in bulk & mate Cocoa beans Cocoa paste and powder Agricultural commodities, not specified Live animals Bovine meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Pork meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Poultry meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Sheep and goat meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Offal, animal fat & other meats, fresh, chilled & frozen Fresh milk and cream, buttermilk and yoghurt Eggs and honey Vegetables, fresh, chilled and dried Fruit, fresh or dried, excl. citrus & tropical fruit Citrus fruit Tropical fruit, fresh or dried, nuts and spices Miscellaneous seeds and hop cones Agricultural primary products, not specified Meat preparations Cheese Olive oil Preparations of vegetables, fruit or nuts Fruit juices Wine, vermouth, cider and vinegar Roasted coffee and tea Chocolate, confectionery and ice cream Infant food & other prep of cereals, flour, starch or milk Pasta, pastry, biscuits and bread Soups and sauces Coffee and tea extracts Food preparations, not specified Pet food Waters and soft drinks Beer Spirits and liqueurs Odoriferous substances Raw hides, skins and furskins Non edible animal products Wool and silk Cotton, flax and hemp, and plaiting materials Cut flowers and plants Bulbs, roots and live plants Raw tobacco Cigars and cigarettes Fatty acids and waxes Sugar alcohols Essential oils Ethanol Casein, other albuminoidal sub. & mod. starches Non-edible, not specified Products non-attributable


112 709 47 021 31 442 13 215 6 870 2 906 11 255 1 388 2 646 1 054 172 5 52 5 351 3 347 5 362 2 318 7 608 880 1 409 433 49 56 927 7 206 4 724 1 999 34 261 1 763 33 322 997 1 060 30 502 4 571 5 988 2 084 13 109 719 1 2 128 442 337 3 557 2 291 2 798 1 662 1 195 391 1 229 688 511 1 782 1 074 993 343 1 550 21 657 357 869 542 1 313 848 2 460 326 1 556 24 922 361 691 1 328

Oct16Sep17 mio € 117 153 49 524 32 188 12 863 7 322 3 013 12 242 1 148 2 913 1 103 170 6 59 4 990 4 014 6 529 2 661 7 462 935 1 415 465 46 71 949 8 071 4 485 2 032 1 265 1 689 29 282 952 1 118 25 505 4 856 6 218 1 923 13 573 750 3 1 953 429 348 3 547 2 225 2 684 1 678 1 213 462 1 320 708 522 1 869 1 228 1 032 378 1 593 10 674 387 903 571 1 337 900 2 437 274 2 291 34 1 004 318 685 8 422

Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16


% 4 445 2 503 746 -352 452 107 987 -240 266 49 -2 1 7 -361 666 1 168 343 -146 56 7 32 -3 15 21 864 -238 32 -34 4 -74 -4 -40 -45 58 -5 3 285 230 -161 463 31 1 -176 -13 11 -10 -66 -113 16 18 71 90 20 11 88 155 40 35 43 -10 17 30 33 29 24 52 -23 -52 734 11 82 -43 -6 6 94

3,9 5,3 2,4 -2,7 6,6 3,7 8,8 -17,3 10,1 4,7 -1,3 0,0 13,0 -6,7 19,9 21,8 14,8 -1,9 6,3 0,5 7,4 -6,5 26,9 2,3 12,0 -5,0 1,6 -98,4 1,5 -4,2 -11,1 -12,5 -4,5 5,5 -16,5 0,6 6,2 3,8 -7,7 3,5 4,3 -8,2 -3,0 3,2 -0,3 -2,9 -4,1 1,0 1,5 18,2 7,4 2,9 2,1 4,9 14,4 4,0 10,1 2,8 -50,4 2,6 8,4 3,9 5,4 1,8 6,1 -1,0 -15,9 47,2 44,6 8,8 -12,0 -0,9 28,6

9 127 3 940 2 317 1 125 593 263 889 95 125 76 12 0 4 434 291 524 154 554 79 221 31 4 4 68 666 411 188 0 28 125 3 25 45 83 2 40 259 312 283 1 069 45 0 162 37 25 297 195 267 142 119 32 101 56 41 146 97 80 34 148 1 49 29 76 39 98 69 182 23 142 2 80 19 63 0 18

Sep-17 mio € 8 846 3 595 2 297 1 038 614 290 1 011 140 157 94 13 0 5 237 307 492 194 514 67 147 37 3 15 75 617 307 174 0 16 105 3 22 53 93 2 44 248 330 259 1 067 55 0 121 38 35 276 168 257 145 114 36 106 58 42 157 102 86 30 174 1 39 32 83 46 104 65 196 27 223 5 90 29 57 2 14

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16

-281 -345 -20 -87 21 27 123 45 32 17 1 0 2 -197 15 -31 40 -40 -12 -74 7 -1 11 8 -48 -104 -15 0 -12 -20 0 -2 9 10 0 4 -11 18 -24 -2 10 0 -41 1 9 -22 -27 -10 3 -5 4 5 1 1 10 5 5 -5 26 0 -10 3 6 7 5 -4 14 4 81 4 10 11 -6 2 -4

% -3,1 -8,8 -0,9 -7,7 3,6 10,2 13,8 47,6 25,7 22,6 10,3 -38,9 49,9 -45,4 5,3 -6,0 25,7 -7,3 -15,2 -33,5 21,4 -23,8 292,1 11,4 -7,3 -25,3 -7,9 161,1 -43,3 -16,0 9,0 -9,6 19,1 12,4 8,8 9,6 -4,2 5,9 -8,5 -0,2 22,1 -25,6 2,7 36,4 -7,3 -13,9 -3,6 2,1 -4,5 12,8 4,7 2,5 2,7 7,1 5,0 6,7 -13,1 17,8 -26,2 -20,1 11,9 8,4 17,6 5,3 -6,0 7,7 17,8 57,1 237,8 11,9 56,0 -10,0 -22,3

Table 7: EU28 agri-food trade balance (exports – imports) by product category EU28 TRADE BALANCE


All agri-food products Commodities Other primary Processed Food preparations Beverages Non-edible Wheat Cereals, other than wheat and rice Rice Flours and other products of the milling industry Malt Starches, inulin & gluten Soyabeans Oilseeds, other than soyabeans Palm & palm kernel oil Vegetable oils other than palm & olive oil Oilcakes Other feed and feed ingredients Beet and cane sugar Sugar, other than beet & cane Milk powders and whey Butter Gums, resins and plant extracts Unroasted coffee, tea in bulk & mate Cocoa beans Cocoa paste and powder Agricultural commodities, not specified Live animals Bovine meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Pork meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Poultry meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Sheep and goat meat, fresh, chilled and frozen Offal, animal fat & other meats, fresh, chilled & frozen Fresh milk and cream, buttermilk and yoghurt Eggs and honey Vegetables, fresh, chilled and dried Fruit, fresh or dried, excl. citrus & tropical fruit Citrus fruit Tropical fruit, fresh or dried, nuts and spices Miscellaneous seeds and hop cones Agricultural primary products, not specified Meat preparations Cheese Olive oil Preparations of vegetables, fruit or nuts Fruit juices Wine, vermouth, cider and vinegar Roasted coffee and tea Chocolate, confectionery and ice cream Infant food & other prep of cereals, flour, starch or milk Pasta, pastry, biscuits and bread Soups and sauces Coffee and tea extracts Food preparations, not specified Pet food Waters and soft drinks Beer Spirits and liqueurs Odoriferous substances Raw hides, skins and furskins Non edible animal products Wool and silk Cotton, flax and hemp, and plaiting materials Cut flowers and plants Bulbs, roots and live plants Raw tobacco Cigars and cigarettes Fatty acids and waxes Sugar alcohols Essential oils Ethanol Casein, other albuminoidal sub. & mod. starches Non-edible, not specified Products non-attributable


17 397 -22 848 -8 518 10 778 20 437 14 349 3 198 4 500 -542 -855 611 1 076 852 -5 295 -2 536 -5 227 -103 -7 327 233 -787 95 3 523 799 217 -6 696 -4 703 -704 20 2 281 -1 080 4 982 1 132 -915 1 695 1 069 212 -1 358 -3 577 -1 582 -12 129 754 -1 -901 3 135 2 263 700 -1 515 7 702 -606 3 984 6 063 3 418 493 266 3 753 2 459 2 442 3 049 8 625 233 1 098 59 -715 258 -634 762 -1 495 3 000 -1 040 95 -320 -217 1 222 1 293 -169

Oct16Sep17 mio € 19 354 -26 259 -8 168 13 380 22 313 15 066 3 021 2 980 -1 267 -883 632 988 991 -4 902 -3 300 -6 343 -233 -7 174 163 -746 52 4 348 820 255 -7 550 -4 472 -683 64 2 569 -878 5 156 1 198 -822 1 897 1 189 155 -1 762 -3 801 -1 416 -12 528 877 -2 -652 3 510 2 429 1 024 -1 349 8 935 -516 4 180 6 794 3 620 566 268 4 057 2 828 2 619 3 113 9 094 240 1 200 90 -768 252 -618 835 -1 474 3 237 -1 619 96 -302 -149 1 293 1 212 -262

Difference Oct16-Sep17 to Oct15-Sep16 1 958 -3 411 350 2 602 1 876 717 -177 -1 520 -725 -28 20 -88 139 393 -765 -1 116 -130 153 -69 41 -43 825 21 38 -853 230 21 44 288 202 175 66 94 202 121 -56 -404 -224 165 -400 123 -1 249 375 166 324 165 1 233 90 195 731 202 73 2 304 369 176 64 469 7 102 31 -54 -6 16 72 20 237 -580 1 19 68 71 -81 -93

% 11,3 14,9 -4,1 24,1 9,2 5,0 -5,5 -33,8 133,8 3,3 3,3 -8,2 16,3 -7,4 30,2 21,3 127,0 -2,1 -29,7 -5,2 -45,2 23,4 2,6 17,7 12,7 -4,9 -3,0 220,1 12,6 -18,7 3,5 5,8 -10,2 11,9 11,3 -26,6 29,7 6,3 -10,5 3,3 16,3 -27,7 12,0 7,3 46,3 -10,9 16,0 -14,8 4,9 12,1 5,9 14,7 0,7 8,1 15,0 7,2 2,1 5,4 3,1 9,3 52,0 7,5 -2,3 -2,5 9,5 -1,4 7,9 55,8 0,8 -5,9 -31,2 5,8 -6,3 54,9


2 361 -2 098 -389 1 150 1 965 1 370 362 296 -49 -63 62 80 81 -432 -244 -507 51 -528 29 -122 18 261 61 28 -622 -409 -93 5 190 -66 413 106 -38 198 89 13 15 -111 -269 -979 49 0 -53 296 224 99 -124 758 -50 446 524 385 43 27 319 221 216 254 879 21 101 7 -64 -8 -51 95 -102 290 -104 8 -24 -8 115 113 -6

Sep-17 mio € 2 836 -1 791 -398 1 260 2 082 1 388 294 209 -20 -80 51 82 88 -228 -278 -475 -24 -496 17 -96 7 330 54 10 -570 -307 -70 5 233 -36 385 120 -42 183 105 14 -28 -149 -246 -985 47 -4 299 218 107 -98 783 -44 442 562 391 46 22 352 267 228 254 886 20 181 5 -72 -20 -53 108 -118 273 -177 6 -21 -16 100 97 0

Difference Sep 17 to Sep 16

475 307 -8 110 117 18 -69 -88 29 -17 -11 2 7 204 -33 32 -75 32 -12 25 -12 69 -7 -18 52 103 23 1 43 30 -29 15 -4 -15 17 1 -43 -38 23 -6 -2 0 49 3 -6 8 26 24 6 -4 39 6 3 -5 33 46 11 0 7 0 79 -2 -8 -12 -2 13 -16 -17 -73 -3 3 -8 -15 -16 6

% 20,1 -14,6 2,2 9,6 6,0 1,3 -19,0 -29,6 -59,2 26,4 -17,9 3,1 8,3 -47,2 13,7 -6,3 -145,9 -6,1 -42,8 -20,8 -63,9 26,5 -10,8 -63,1 -8,3 -25,1 -24,7 11,4 22,7 -45,0 -7,0 13,8 10,3 -7,5 18,7 3,9 -281,0 34,3 -8,6 0,6 -3,6 -92,4 1,1 -2,7 8,3 -21,0 3,2 -11,0 -0,9 7,4 1,7 7,5 -19,9 10,3 20,6 5,3 -0,1 0,8 -1,0 78,6 -21,8 12,8 140,3 4,4 14,1 15,4 -5,8 70,9 -30,7 -14,1 95,8 -12,7 -14,3 -99,1