Share Your Machu Picchu Story Terms and conditions of the contest 1 ...

Share Your Machu Picchu Story Terms and conditions of the contest 1. Participants Any person inside or outside of Peru who is of legal age and who me...
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Share Your Machu Picchu Story Terms and conditions of the contest 1.

Participants Any person inside or outside of Peru who is of legal age and who meets the requirements for participation in point N°3 may participate.


Contest Length This contest starts on Thursday, June 8th, 2017 and ends on Friday, July 7th. The winners will be announced on July 10th.


Prohibited to Participate The following people may not participate in the contest: a) Direct employees of Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel, nor their spouses or relatives of any kind, whether ascendants, descendants or collaterals up to the fourth degree of consanguinity. b) Staff of the advertising agency in charge of publicizing the event.


Ways to Participate a) All those who, throughout the duration of the contest, leave a comment on the contest’s Facebook post telling their anecdote or story from Machu Picchu, along with a photo of their experience,

or those who upload a photo to Instagram with the hashtag #SumaqSense will be eligible to participate. b) Additionally, participants must share their Sumaq photo with their friends, using the hashtag #SumaqSense. c) Those who are followers of Sumaq on Facebook and Instagram will have a higher chance of winning. They will also earn points for reactions to and shares of their story on these social networks. d) The ten submissions with the most reactions and shares will be chosen as finalists. The Sumaq-elected jury will then choose the three winners. e) Only one submission per person will be accepted; no repetitive entries or automatic submissions are allowed. f) Providing any incorrect, misleading or invalid personal information may lead to disqualification from the contest and/or prize reception. g) Incomplete entries, presented late or with some other defect will not be accepted. We reserve the right to determine, with sole discretion, whether a submission is valid and whether to disqualify any person who, in our reasonable judgment, has tampered with the participation process, behaved in a prejudicial manner or breached the rules. 5. Prizes The final prizes are determined by Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel. 1st Prize    

2-night accommodation in a Junior Suite double room at Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel. +Breakfast and dinner a la carte. +Round-trip train tickets. Package for two people.

2nd Prize    

1-night accommodation in a Sumaq Deluxe double room at Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel. +Buffet breakfast and dinner a la carte. +Lunch or dinner of a six-course tasting menu called “Flavors of the Andes”. Package for two people.

3rd Prize    

1-night accommodation in a Sumaq Deluxe double room at Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel. +Buffet breakfast. +Relaxing massages in our Aqlla Spa. Package for two people.

6. Prize Reception a) The winners will be announced via our official social network accounts. b) The winners must provide their personal information and that of their travel companions, as well as room reservation dates. The winner will have 15 business days to respond to Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel once he or she has been notified; otherwise the second-place participant will be the winner and so on. Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel is not responsible for incorrect contact information. In the case that the winner cannot be contacted, he or she will miss the opportunity to redeem the prize and the next winner will be contacted. This process will be repeated until a winner can be contacted. 7 Published terms and conditions These terms and conditions will be available to the general public, throughout the duration of the contest, on our website: 8) Understanding of terms and conditions

Participation in this contest implies full knowledge and acceptance by the participant of the present terms and any possible modifications. 9) Release of responsibility Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel is released from future responsibilities after prizes have been awarded. 10. Use of personal date provided The contestant agrees that if he or she is selected, we may publish his or her first name and country of residence on any of our websites (including the Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel section of any third party website) and in any of our paper publications. The contestant also agrees to receive emails, either related to or not related to the contest, which the contestant is entitled to refuse at any time. 11. We and our subsidiaries, to the greatest extent legally possible, reject all liability for any damage or loss that any person suffers as a result of or in connection with the contest. 12. We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions, as well as the right to modify, suspend or cancel the contest, especially if it is infected by a computer virus or other technical impediment. 13. The contest will not be valid in places where the law prohibits it or requires a license. 14. The terms will be governed and interpreted according to Peruvian legislation, without considering conflict law rules. In the case of any dispute, the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Peru. 15. For any further inquiries about the contest or about the use of your personal data that is collected in points 4 and 8, contact us by writing to [email protected].