Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais CURRICULUM ... - UBI

Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais CURRICULUM VITAE Covilhã 2017 1/7 CURRICULUM VITAE March 2017 1 PERSONAL DATA Name: Sebastião Augus...
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Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais


Covilhã 2017 1/7




Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais

Professional Address: Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Ciências da Engenharia, Departamento de Informática Rua Marquês d'Ávila e Bolama Covilhã 6200-001 Covilhã, Centro - Portugal Phone: (351) 275242081 Extension: 1601 Fax: 275319899 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Homepage:



2008 - 2013 Ph.D. in Spécialité doctorale de Informatique temps réel, robotique et automatique. Ecole des Mines de Paris (Universidade de Lisboa / Register). Course Years: 3. Title of the dissertation: Asymmetric Distributional Similarity Measures to Recognize Textual Entailment by Generality. Advisor: Phd, HDR Robert Mahl and PhD, HDR Gaël Dias Arguentes: • Phd, HDR Witold KOSINSKI, Professor, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, President & Rapporteur • Phd, HDR Robert MAHL, Professor, CRI, Mines ParisTech, Advisor • Phd, HDR Gaël DIAS, Professor, Département d’ Informatique, Univ. of Caen Basse-Normandie, Advisor • Phd, HDR Katarzyna WOLSKA-WEGRZYN, Professor, ESIGETEL, Co-Advisor • Phd, HDR Antoine DOUCET, Professor, Département d’ Informatique, Univ. of Caen Basse-Normandie, Rappourteur • Phd, João CORDEIRO, Professor, Departamento de Informática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Examiner • Phd, Zornitsa KOZAREVA, Professor, Information Sciences Institute, Univ. of Southern California, & Manager : Machine Learning for Alexa Platform, Amazon, Sunnyvale, CA, USA, Examiner 2007 - 2008 Master in Computer Science Engineering - Specialization: Computing and Intelligent Systems. University of the Beira Interior. Course Years: 2.


Title of the dissertation/thesis: "Classification of Opinionated Texts by Analogy. Advisor: PhD, HDR Gaël Dias 2002 - 2007 Graduation in Computer Science Engineering - Specialization: Information Systems. University of the Beira Interior. Course Years: 5.


PROFISSIONAL ACTIVITIES University of the Beira Interior Institutional Link 2016 Current

Invited Assistant Professor.

Activities 9/2016 Current

- Teaching, Department of Computer Science. Courses 1. Software Quality – Master in Computer Science Engineering - Responsible. 2. Web Development Platforms – Graduation in Informatic Web - Responsible. 3. Mobile Devices Programming – Graduation in Computer Science Engineering and Informatic Web. 4. Professional Aspects of Computer Science – Graduation in Informatic Web and Information Systems Technologies - Responsible. 5. Software Engineering – Graduation in Computer Science Engineering and Informatic Web.

Polytechnic of Guarda Institutional Link 2016 Current

Invited Assistant Professor.

Activities 9/2016 Current

-Teaching, Technical and Scientific Unit of Computer Science. Courses 1. Software Engineering - Responsible. 2. Requirements Survey and Functional Analysis - Responsible.


Investigação & Desenvolvimento

Institutional Link 2014 - 2016 Researcher and Software Developer. Activities 9/2014 - 8/2016 Participation in research and development projects. Participation in projects 1. AMBRO.Ref: 33779 QREN.

Covilhã City Hall Institutional Link 2011 - 2014 Project Manager and Computer Science Engineer


University of the Beira Interior Institutional Link 2007 - 2014 Research Fellow and Monitor in Department of Computer Science. Other Information: Monitor in the courses Programming, Programming and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence. In the same period, Research Fellow, scholarship contract under the research projects in the research center - HULTIG - Centre For Human Language Technology and Bioinformatics, of the University of the Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. Contract under the project PTDC/PLP/72142/2006 with the title Ubiquitous Web Access for the Blind (VIP-ACCESS). Association for Technological and Professional Training of the Beira Interior Institutional Link 2007 - 2014 Trainer. Other Information: Trainer and Responsible for several courses of Technological Specialization Graduation in Information Systems Development. Ecole des Mines de Paris Institutional Link 2008 - 2013 Research Fellow and PhD Student. Activities 1/2008 - 12/2013 Research and development not involved in funded projects. Publications of scientific works. Research Lines 1. Natural Language Processing - Textual Entailment by Generality. 2. Natural Language Processing - Word Similarity.

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RESEARCH LINES Natural Language Processing Objectives: Areas in the context the Natural Language Processing: Textual Entailment, Textual Entailment by Generality, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Opinion Retrieval, MultiDocument Summarization, Collaborative Web Search, Automatic Summarization, Cognitive Linguistics, Text Mining, Data Mining, Web Search Engine, Web Content Mining, Mobile Adaptative Web. Key Words: Natural Language Processing; Word Similarity; Informative Asymmetric Measure; Textual Entailment; Recognizing Textual Entailment by Generality; Artificial Intelligence.


Artificial Intelligence: Unsupervised learning


Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Opinion Retrieval


Natural Language Processing - Textual Entailment by Generality: Unsupervised and language-independent recognition of the textual entailment.



Natural Language Processing - Word Similarity


2014 - 2015 AMBRO Program: QREN Project Reference: 33779 QREN


Situation: Finished; Scope: National. Role of the researcher in the project: Researcher. Abstract in portuguese: A TIMWE I&D propõe-se a desenvolver o projeto AMBRO, com vista à criação de um IPA que interage com todos os objetos que rodeiam o utilizador e que comuniquem através do protocolo IPv6. Desta forma é objetivo criar uma plataforma, associando um sistema que integra um ambiente persuasivo a um personal assistant, que permita tornar transparentes ao utilizador tarefas do dia-a-dia, como por exemplo, baseando-se na rotina matinal o AMBRO poderá, de forma autónoma, ligar a torradeira e a máquina do café, enquanto aquece a casa e informa o utilizador do estado do trânsito. Muitas destas tarefas são afetadas por variáveis externas, como localização, objetos disponíveis, permissões dentro da rede em que o utilizador se encontra, nível de treino da plataforma, etc. Com a evolução da tecnologia que nos rodeia, tentamos cada vez mais automatizar pequenas tarefas na vida do comum cidadão, para que o mesmo não tenha de se preocupar com determinadas tarefas com as quais se vai deparando diariamente. Resultados e Impacto: Criação de um ecossistema que suporte o funcionamento de IPAs (Inteligent Personal Assistants) e a sua integração em ambientes de computação ubíqua.

2006 - 2012 VIP-ACCESS (Acesso Ubíquo à Web para Cegos) Program: FCT Project Reference: PTDC/PLP/72142/2006 Situation: Finished; Scope: International. Role of the researcher in the project: PhD Student. Abstract: Visually impaired people are info-excluded due to the overwhelming task they face to read information on the web. Indeed, unlike fully capacitated people, blind people can not read information by just scanning it quickly i.e. they can not read in the “diagonal”. As a consequence, they have to come through all sentences of web pages to understand if a document is interesting or not. This is obviously an overwhelming task which clearly excludes visually impaired people to quick access to information. Although a lot has been done for blind people to access information with braille screens, braille keyboards, braille PDAs andText-to-Speech interfaces, very little has been made to reduce the amount of information they have to deal with. For that purpose, we aim at proposing new human-computer interfaces that run on classical devices such as classical PCs, Pocket PCs or PDAs. As a consequence, blind people may have access to affordable technology. In particular, we aim at developing a wide range of technological solutions so that visually impaired people can take advantage of the new ubiquitous technologies that are fast growing in our every day lives. Resultados e Impacto: We aim at proposing new human-computer interfaces that run on classical devices such as classical PCs, Pocket PCs or PDAs. As a consequence, blind people may have access to affordable technology. In particular, we aim at developing a wide range of technological solutions so that visually impaired people can take advantage of the new ubiquitous technologies that are fast growing in our every day lives.



Understands: Speak: Read: Write:


Português (Well), Inglês (Well), Francês (Well). Português (Well), Inglês (Well), Francês (Little). Português (Well), Inglês (Well), Francês (Well). Português (Well), Inglês (Well), Francês (Little).


2007 1st place in the competition "Bolsa de Ideias 2007", Parkurbis. 2007 1st place in the Ideas Competition, GAAPI/UBI. 2007 2nd place in the competition "Imagine Cup 2007", Microsoft.



2006 Current 2008 Current

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HULTIG - Centre For Human Language Technology And Bioinformatics (Member, Scientific Researcher). CRI - Centre de recherche en informatique, MINES ParisTech (Member, Scientific Researcher).


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Machado, D.; Barbosa, T.; Pais, S.; Martins, B.; Dias, G.. Universal Mobile Information Retrieval. Constantine Stephanidis. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Intelligent and Ubiquitous Interaction Environments. ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, v. 5615, p. 345-354.

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Papers in conferences proceedings (Complete)

Pais, S.; Dias, G.; Moraliyski, R.; Cordeiro, J.. Unsupervised and Language-Independent Method to Recognize Textual Entailment by Generality. In: CONFERENCE COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS IN BULGARIA 2014, 2014. Sofia. Proceedings of the First International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria. 2014. Pais, S.; Dias, G.; Moraliyski, R.. Recognize the Generality Relation between Sentences using Asymmetric Association Measures. In: CONFERENCE COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS IN BULGARIA 2014, 2014. Sofia. Proceedings of the First International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria. 2014. Lambov, D.; Pais, S.; Dias, G. Merged Agreement Algorithms for Domain Independent Sentiment Analysis. In: 12TH CONFERENCE OF THE PACIFIC ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (PACLING 2011), 2011. Kuala Lumpur. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. Selected Papers of the 12th Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics. Elsevier Publishing, 2011. Dias, G.; Pais, S.; Wegrzyn-Wolska, K.; Mahl, R. Textual Entailment by Generality. In: 12TH CONFERENCE OF THE PACIFIC ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (PACLING 2011), 2011. Kuala Lumpur. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. Selected Papers of the 12th Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics. Elsevier Publishing, 2011. Dias, Gaël; Pais, S.; Wegrzyn-Wolska, K.; Mahl, R.. Recognizing Textual Entailment by Generality Using Informative Asymmetric Measures and Multiword Unit Identification to Summarize Ephemeral Clusters. In: 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCES ON WEB INTELLIGENCE (WI) AND INTELLIGENT AGENT TECHNOLOGIES (IAT), 2011. Lyon, France. 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. IEEE, 2011, p. 284-287. Dias, G.; Pais, S.; Cunha, F.; Costa, H.; Machado, D.; Barbosa, T.; Martins, B.. Hierarchical Soft Clustering and Automatic Text Summarization for Accessing the Web on Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired People. In: 22ND INTERNATIONAL FLORIDA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH SOCIETY CONFERENCE, FLAIRS-22; SANIBEL ISLAND, FL; UNITED STATES, 2009. Florida. Proceedings of the 22nd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. AAAI Publications, 2009, p. 231-236. Machado, D.; Barbosa, T.; Pais, S.; Martins, B.; Dias, G. Universal Mobile Information Retrieval. In: 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION HCI INTERNATIONAL, 2009. San Diego. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCI International 2009.

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Published book chapters

Published Papers (Published)

Pais, S.; Casal, J.; Ponciano, R.; Lourenço, S.. Unsupervised Assistive and Adaptive Intelligent Agent in Smart Environment. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering, v. 2, n. 1, p. 1067-1074, 2015. With scientific arbitration. Ponciano, R.; Pais, S.; Casal, J.. Using Accuracy Analysis to Find the Best Classifier for Intelligent Personal Assistants. Procedia Computer Science, v. 52, n. 1, p. 310-317, 2015. With scientific arbitration. Lambov, D.; Pais, S.; Dias, G.. Merged Agreement Algorithms for Domain Independent Sentiment Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Publishing, v. 27, n. 1, p. 248-257, 2011. With scientific arbitration. Pais, S.; Dias, G.; Wegrzyn-Wolska, K.; Mahl, R.; Jouvelot, P.. Textual Entailment by Generality. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Publishing, v. 27, n. 1, p. 258-266, 2011. With scientific arbitration.


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Other technical production

Pais, Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo (Ecole des Mines de Paris). Asymmetric Distributional Similarity Measures to Recognize Textual Entailment by Generality. 2013. (PhD dissertation). Pais, Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo (Universidade da Beira Interior). Classification of Opinionated Texts by Analogy. 2011. (MSc dissertation).



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Paulo Santos. SNEM - Sistema de Notificação de Emergência Médica. Ano:2011. Computação Móvel - Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Orientador: Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais.

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Master Degree Dissertation

Conclusion work of Licenciate course

Fábio Barata. Indoor Location-Based Content. Ano:2017 (In progress). Engenharia Informática Universidade da Beira Interior, Advisor: Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais. Bruna Silva. Plataforma Ubíqua para Acompanhamento de Doentes Psiquiátricos em situação de Pós-Internamento. Ano:2017 (In progress). Engenharia Informática - Universidade da Beira Interior, Advisor: Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais. Joana Quadrado. Motor de Busca Móvel Educacional. Ano:2017 (In progress). Engenharia Informática - Universidade da Beira Interior, Advisor: Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais. Paulo Pereira. Unsupervised and Language-Independent Methodology for Detection of Cyberbullying using Asymmetric Association Measures. Ano:2017 (In progress). Engenharia Informática – Universidade da Beira Interior, Advisor: Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais.

11 PRODUCTION INDICATORS Scientific Production Published Papers - 4 Published - 4 Papers in conferences proceedings (published) - 7 Completes - 7 Published book and chapters - 1 Published book chapters - 1 Technical Production Other technical production - 2 Complentary Data Orientations – 5

I assure that the information contained in this document is true. Covilhã, March 05, 2017 Sebastião Pais
