Mission for Growth to Panama, Argentina and Paraguay Vice ...

Mission for Growth to Panama, Argentina and Paraguay Vice-President Antonio TAJANI 12-13-14 June 2014 Draft programme This programme is indicative a...
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Mission for Growth to Panama, Argentina and Paraguay Vice-President Antonio TAJANI 12-13-14 June 2014

Draft programme

This programme is indicative and might be subject to changes. Version 02.06.2014

Wednesday 11 June 2014 – Departure from Brussels

10:3511:35 13:0516:50


KLM KL 1724 Brussels– Amsterdam KLM KL 757 Amsterdam – Panama City Transfer to hotel Riu Plaza Panamá Calle 50 con 53 este Urb. Marbella - Ciudad de Panamá - Panamá Tel: (507) 378 9000 Welcoming reception hosted by Italys' Ambassador in hotel Riu Plaza Panamá with EU Member States Head of Missions European Team Building / Warming up meeting


Place: Hotel Riu Plaza Panamá

Thursday 12 June 2014 – Panama City


10:30 11:0012:00

Match-making event – Meeting with Panamanian business counterparts Presentation by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Representative office in Panama: The economic situation and business environment and opportunities in Panama Place: Hotel Riu Plaza Panamá In parallel: transfer to the Presidency Meeting with Minister of the Presidency of the Republic of Panama, Roberto HENRIQUEZ The meeting with Minister Roberto HENRIQUEZ can be attended by companies if they wish so



Followed by a press conference


Place: Lunch hosted by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Francisco ALVAREZ DE SOTO In the presence of high-level representatives of PAN Government


Place: Palacio Bolivar, San Felipe, Calle 3 Meeting with Canal's administrator, Jorge L. QUIJANO Visit of Miraflores locks Companies can participate in the visit if they wish so


Place: Miraflores locks Flight from Panama to Argentina: CM 454 Panama City 21:48 – Buenos Aires: 6:52 (+ 1) (duration 7:04)




Friday 13 June 2014 – Buenos Aires

Entrepreneurs 6:52

Vice-President Antonio TAJANI

Arrival of Vice-President Antonio TAJANI and entrepreneurs to Buenos Aires (Ezeiza Airport) – flight COPA 454 from Panama City 8:30-9:30 Transfer from airport to Buenos Aires

7:30-8:30 Transfer from airport to Buenos Aires

9:30-10:15 Check-in at hotel Free time for breakfast/personal use Place: Hotel Sofitel, Arroyo 841 We recommend that participants arriving from Panama with flight COPA 454 who wish to have shower facility book a room in that hotel 10:15 - 10:30 Walk to Cancillería

8:30-10:00 Check-in at hotel Free time for breakfast/personal use Place: Hotel Sofitel, Arroyo 841

10:30-11:30 Presentation about business environment in ArgentinaBy Cancilleria (Sub-secretariat of Investment Development and Trade Promotion)

10:00- 11:00 Vice-President Antonio TAJANI meeting with media Place: Hotel Sofitel, Arroyo 841 11:00-11:15 Transfer to Cancillería

Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Salón Grande 11:3013:00

Eurocamara inauguration event By Vice-President Antonio TAJANI, President of Eurocamara Dr Victor KLIMA, high-level representatives of ARG Government Participation of ARG and EUR companies, business associations, diplomats Networking opportunities (+/- 300 participants) Followed by a drink ("Vino de honor") Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Salón Libertador 12:30-13:00 Press conference jointly by Vice-President Antonio TAJANI, President of Eurocamara Dr Victor KLIMA, a high-level representative of ARG Government Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Sala de Prensa (PB)


Networking lunch Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Salón de los Espejos 13:30-14:15 Matchmaking business meetings "Sectorial" chambers' tables Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Salón


13:30-14:00 Political meeting with Argentine Minister of Science & Technology, Mr. Lino BARAÑAO (tbc) Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Room

Grande / Salón Chico


14:15-15:00 Coffee break – for individual B2B meetings

14:00-15:00 Political meeting with Argentine Secretary of Tourism, Mr. Daniel AGUILERA (tbc) Place: Palacio San Martín or Suipacha 1111 Piso 20 - tbc


Meeting with Eurocamara / EU bi-national chambers Place: Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761, Salón Grande / Salón Chico

Meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Mr. Héctor TIMERMAN Place: Esmeralda 1212, Piso 13 or Palacio San Martín - tbc


Transfer to government buildings


Political meeting with Argentine Minister: Minister of Industry, Mrs. Débora GIORGI + Secretary for SME and Regional Development, Mr. Horacio ROURA Place: Ministry of Industry, Hipólito Yrigoyen 250, Room tbc


Transfer to government buildings (tbc)


Political meeting with Argentine Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Mr. Axel KICILLOF (tbc) Place: Ministry of Economy, Hipólito Yrigoyen 250, Piso 5, Of. 511


18:15-18:30 Transfer to IADB office

18:15-18:30 Transfer to Italian Embassy

18:30 – 19:00 Meeting with IADB Representative office in Argentina The Economic situation and business environment and opportunities in Argentina th Place: IADB – Esmeralda 130, 11 Floor

18:30-19:30 Reception at Italian Embassy Place: Residence of Italian Ambassador, Av. Del Libertador 2100

19:00-21:00 Transfer from Buenos Aires to Ezeiza Airport

19:30-21:00 Transfer from Buenos Aires to Ezeiza Airport

Flight from Argentina to Paraguay: PZ 720 Buenos Aires 22:45 – Asunción 23:40 (duration 1:55) Transfer to Sheraton Hotel Aviadores Del Chaco 2066, Asuncion, Paraguay - Tel: 595-21-6177000


Saturday 14 June 2014 – Asunción



Breakfast meeting with SE Horacio CARTES, President of the Republic and businessmen Place: Presentation of the business environment in Paraguay Presentations by: H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Minister of Finance (or Governor of the Central Bank), H.E. Minister of Industry and Trade, H.E. Minister of Public Works



on: macro environment, business climate, investment opportunities, including specific presentation on infrastructure and energy Followed by Q&A

11:0011:15 11:1512:15


13:0014:30 14.3015.15 14.3016.30

Place: Sheraton Hotel Coffee break and press meeting


Business opportunities in Paraguay Presentations by: Unión Industrial Paraguaya (UIP) Eurocamara and bilateral Chambers of Commerce Experiences from foreign investors in Paraguay Followed by Q&A Place: Sheraton Hotel Economic outlook in Paraguay and in the region – presentation by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB) Followed by Q&A



Place: Sheraton Hotel Lunch offered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, B2B meetings


Place: Sheraton Hotel Press conference for Vice-President TAJANI


Place: Sheraton Hotel B2B (continued) for European and Paraguayan companies


Place: Sheraton Hotel End of the official programme


Aerolineas Argentinas AR 1263 Asuncion - Buenos Aires

22:3517:10 (+ 1)

Aerolineas Argentinas AR 1140 Buenos Aires - Rome