Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to President Dilma

Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to President Dilma Rousseff in support of her statement at the 68th Session of the UNGA  Septemb...
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Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to President Dilma Rousseff in support of her statement at the 68th Session of the UNGA  September 26, 2013  Your Excellency,  We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the world, committed to  the development of the Internet and its use for advancing social and economic justice,  would like to express our strong support for the statement delivered this week by your  Excellency at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. We commend you  for taking a leading role on these issues and would like to:  1. Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the occasion, in clear accordance  with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee’s Principles for the Governance and  Use of the Internet.  2. Stress the importance of the timely adoption of the Brazilian Draft Bill of Internet  Rights (Marco Civil da Internet) in a way that upholds these principles and endorses  the innovative and democratic process in which it was conceived.  3. Commend the courage of Brazil in expressing disapproval and demanding  explanations from the USA about the procedures of illegal interception of  information and data, framing it as a grave violation of human rights and of civil  liberties  4. Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of Internet Governance  of the experiences from the Brazilian multistakeholder model of Internet  governance, led by CGI.br.  We express our deep appreciation for your serious commitment to social justice and  development, of which an open, stable, and reliable Internet is a fundamental pillar.  Organisational endorsements GPOPAI Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus SaferNet Brasil Núcleo de Novas Tecnologias Voltadas à Produção e Divulgação do Conhecimento em Geociências da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Amnesty International Leeds Group Fundacion Karisma Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) Center for Democracy & Technology ULEPICC Brasil Pimentalab/TransMediar - Universidade Federal de São Paulo Global Partners Digital CENTRE AFRICAIN D'ECHANGE CULTUREL Agrupación "Software Libre con Cristina" - http://www.softwarelibreconcfk.com.ar Shelter for the poor Access New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute Soweto iLab

Brazil international Brazil

Sep 27, 2013 Sep 27, 2013 Sep 27, 2013


Sep 27, 2013

United Kingdom Colombia Argentina United States Brazil Brazil United Kingdom DR CONGO Argentina Bangladesh International USA South Africa

Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013

Guaimbê - espaço e movimento criativo www.guaimbe.org.br INTLNET somoslibres.org Grupo de Ensino e Pesquisa em Inovação da DIREITO GV Ciranda Internacional de Comunicação Compartilhada ComputerAid International Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Projeto Saúde & Alegria, Santarém, Pará Colnodo ONG Derechos Digitales ENSOL Internet Democracy Project Ativista de software livre e pelos direitos civis na internet Eurolinc Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre - Argentina Instituto Bem Estar Brazil Associação Software Livre.org (ASL) Renewable Freedom Foundation Instituto NUPEF IDEC - Instituto Brazileiro de Defesa do Consumidor Movimento Mega Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire Institute for Technology and Society (ITS) Global Voices Advocacy World Wide Web Foundation EUROLINC eco Association of the German Internet Industry Networks & Development Foundation (FUNREDES) GodlyGlobal.org Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet Center for Technology and Society (CTS/FGV) Electronic Frontier Finland Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication(BNNRC)

Brazil France Peru Brazil Brazil UK International Brazil Colombia Chile Brazil India Brazil France Philippines Argentina Brazil Brazil Germany Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil International International France Germany Rep.Dominicana Colombia Brazil Finland Bangladesh

Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013

Individual endorsements Claudia Padovani Jorge Machado Giovanna Louise Bodin de Saint-Ange Comnène Carloni Rialma Ravena Vicente aline severi Andrew Clement Roberto Vicente David Ochoa Pierre-Yves Minier Mariana Thibes Ian Peter Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro Lídia Lage Rafael Soares Pedro Santos Solange Pimenta Everton T. Rodrigues


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Sep 27, 2013

Brazil Brazil Canada Brazil Ecuador France Brazil Australia Fiji Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil

Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013

Andrea Mostaço Monica Londono Nahema Nascimento Barra de Oliveira Emerson Marques Pedro João Carlos Rebello Caribe Luiz Costa Peter Lemish Camila Agustini Mark Pascual Caio Abreu Cheryl Langdon-Orr Aline Carvalho Carlos Parra Diego Canabarro Clarice Pereira Adriana Mamprin Raquel Saraiva Steffania Paola Paulo Lima Joonas Mäkinen Nicolas Caballero Mariana Valente Rafael Bonifaz Javier Pallero Pedro Mizukami Enrique Amestoy Clive Briscoe Federico SMITH Beatriz Busaniche Eduarda Azevedo Hisham Almiraat Joana Varon Ferraz Leila Nachawati Raquel Camargo karla passos Carolina Aguerre Suresh Ramasubramanian Antonio Medina Gómez Elizabeth Rivera Renata Avila Carlos Candido Tapani Tarvainen Reileen Dulay Ana Abreu Carolina Rossini Virginia Paque Kinfe Micheal

Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil United States Brazil Philippines Brazil Australia Brazil Venezuela Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Finland Paraguay Brazil Ecuador Argentina Brazil Uruguay United Kingdom Argentina - Brazil - France Argentina Brazil Morocco Brazil Spain Brazil Brazil Argentina India Colombia Chile Guatemala Brazil Finland Brazil Brazil USA Ethiopia

Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013