ABSTRACT Oxide Based Electronics: A Coming Technology

      ABSTRACT       Oxide  Based  Electronics:  A  Coming  Technology   Elvira  Fortunato   Departamento  de  Ciência  dos  Materiais,  Universi...
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Oxide  Based  Electronics:  A  Coming  Technology   Elvira  Fortunato   Departamento  de  Ciência  dos  Materiais,  Universidade  Nova  de  Lisboa  and  CEMOP/Uninova,   Caparica,  Portugal     Transparent   electronics   are   now   a   reality   and   are   adding   new   electronic   functionalities   onto   surfaces.   High-­‐ performance  n-­‐   and   p-­‐type   Thin   Film   Transistors   (TFTs),   prepared   by   physical   vapor   deposition   (PVD)   techniques   have   already   been   developed.   PVD   processes   like   rf   magnetron   sputtering   can   be   performed   near   room   temperature,   which   makes   them   compatible   with   the   use   of   temperature   sensitive,   low-­‐cost   flexible   substrates   (polymers,  cellulose  paper,  among  others).  Besides  that,  tremendous  advances  are  coming  through  liquid  solution-­‐ based   technologies,   which   is   very   exciting   for   ink-­‐jet   printing,   where   the   theoretical   limitations   are   becoming   practical  limitations.  In  this  presentation,  some  of  the  most  promising  new  technologies  for  n-­‐  and  p-­‐type  thin  film   transistors  based  on  oxide  semiconductors  and  their  current  and  future  applications  will  be  reviewed.  Some  of  the   most   promising   new   technologies   for   n-­‐   and   p-­‐type   thin   film   transistors   are   in   the   form   of   nano-­‐films   or   nanoparticles.   Special   emphasis   will   be   given   to   solution-­‐processes.   A   summary   of   the   major   milestones   already   achieved  with  this  emerging  and  very  promising  technology  will  be  presented.